

PostgreSQL 9.0以降と8.x以前とではバイナリ表現が違います。これは9.0+用です。


$psql = "psql";

my $sql = '';
my %popts = ('-d','','-h','','-p','');
my %lopts = ('-od', './', '-of','%04d.png');

# sub: prints the usage to STDERR
sub usage {
  print STDERR << "_EOL_USAGE_";
Usage: $0 [options] command
  -od  ("./")
  -of  ("%04d.png")

# analyzes arguments
my @st = ();
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
  if( !@st ) {
    if( $arg =~ /^-/ ) {
      if( $arg eq '--help' ) {
        exit 0;
      foreach $key ( keys(%popts) ) {
        if( $key eq $arg ) {
          $st[0] = 'popts';
          $st[1] = $key;
      if( !@st ) {
        foreach $key ( keys(%lopts) ) {
          if( $key eq $arg ) {
            $st[0] = 'lopts';
            $st[1] = $key;
      if( !@st ) {
        print STDERR "Unknown option: $arg\nSpecify --help to see help.\n";
        exit 1;
    else {
      $sql = $arg;
  else {
    if( $st[0] eq 'popts' ) {
      $popts{$st[1]} = $arg;
    elsif( $st[0] eq 'lopts' ) {
      $lopts{$st[1]} = $arg;
    @st = ();
# checks whether last option is set properly.
if( @st ) {
  print STDERR "unspecified option value for ${st[1]}\nSpecify --help to see help.\n";
  exit 1;


# will die if command is not specified
if( $sql eq '' ) {
  print STDERR "No SQL command.\n";
  exit 1;

# options specified by user
@cmd = ("\"$psql\"");
foreach $key ( keys(%popts) ) {
  if( $popts{$key} ne '' ) {
    push(@cmd, "\"$key\" \"${popts{$key}}\"");

# enforced psql options
push(@cmd, "-t -A"); # tupples only, no align

# sql
push(@cmd, "-c \"$sql\"");

# command string
$cmd = join(' ',@cmd);

# local options
my $od = $lopts{'-od'};
my $of = $lopts{'-of'};
if( !($od =~ /\/$/) ) {
  $od = $od . '/';

my $cnt = 1;

# reads all and outputs.

) { chomp; if( $_ =~ /^\\x/ ) { my $hex = $_; $hex =~ s/^.*\\x(.*)$/\1/; $hex =~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/pack("H2", $1 )/eg; my $file = $od.sprintf($of,$cnt); open(W,">$file") || die $file; print W $hex; close(W); print STDERR "$file\n"; $cnt++; } } close(P);


./foo.perl -od ./data "SELECT rast FROM foo"

こんなかんじにすると、./data の下に 0001.png, 0002.png ... と出てきます。

あと、拡張子を .perl にしているのは、かつて個人的に .pl を Prolog ファイルに割り当ててた頃の名残ですので気にしないでください。